Collection: Series

Introducing our new product: a series of unique T-shirt designs, one for each day!

A collection of T-shirts is a concept that was born while I was attending a super cool biology congress and brainstorming ideas for some new, awesome T-shirt designs. Suddenly, it hit me like a lightning bolt: a series of T-shirts for the congress that shows the journey through the metamorphosis cycle, illustrating how the transformation unfolds until it blossoms into a stunning butterfly on the final day. You can have different series for any situation! I had never seen anything like this or found anything similar on the market, so whether I invented the concept or it's justĀ cryptomnesia, who knows? What I do know is that I love the concept, and I'm pretty sure you will too!

Imagine wearing these eye-catching designs at work, college, or school throughout the week or in a multi-day event. Heads are going to turn, jaws are going to drop, and you will be able to know who takes notice of your evolving designs. Yeah, it's a modest way to be the center of attention.